Sep 11, 2013

"Take Me Home Tonight" -Eddie Money

I love this song, and I will forever think of an instance in college when I hear it.  I was in my American History 110 class of about 15 people (which was a series of reading books about different areas in the country and then talking about how they were still of my favorite college classes, by far), when a girl's cell phone started ringing and this played so loud and so clear.  I knew she would be a good person to work in group with.  Haha.  I met a lot of interesting people in that class, and I wonder what they are all doing, at times.  Aaaanyway, this song played last night during Skinnyfit (30 min AMRAP-200m run/10 American KB swings/10 box jumps/10 sit ups), and it gave me a little extra push to go a little faster.  I'm finally back into going to Crossfit regularly again, and there is a new coach there, who is super nice, helpful, and encouraging.  I can't say it enough, my Crossfit people are so damn nice and supportive.  Met a couple of new members, too.  Which is always, exciting.

Tonight, the Crossfit WOD was 1 split jerk, EMOTMx15, gradually adding weight.  Followed by 20 min AMRAP of 1 dead lift/1 power clean/1 front squat/1 jerk, and then 2 of them, and then 3, and so on.  It was a pretty tough workout, but I actually enjoyed it.  And, because I'm a masochist of sorts, I ran a couple of miles afterward in this hot summer night air.  It was a nice run, actually.  It allowed me to cool down and just have a little time to myself.  I feel so psyched about my health right now, because I am finally in a place where the stress of my life doesn't override my abilities to make good decisions and to stick with them.  I am so fortunate that I can just concentrate on becoming fit and healthy.  I feel more confident just thinking about it.  I used to be one of those girls who wore baggy clothes and tried to work out when the least amount of people were there, trying to blend in.  Now, I push myself to wear fitting clothes so that I cannot hide from myself or others.  It's a small thing, but it does affect the way I present myself.  I also wanted to share this video that I found, last night.  It's spot on and inspiring.  I hope to be able to tell a story like DK one day!  She's a beautiful person who is confident, strong, and positive.  Plus, she looks like a "real" woman! :)

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