Jan 7, 2014

"Money Tree" by Caroline Glaser

This artist opened for Straight No Chaser, an acapella group that formed in college about twenty years ago, and currently tours.  They are amazing and hilarious.  This girl, was a contestant on "The Voice," and her voice is very special, indeed.  It was also really cool to hear her clear voice in a dark, quiet auditorium. This song is one of her two released original songs.  It laments being a bit foolish and not listening to the advice given you, and then breaking out, and still having a chance to make it big.  Having your moment.  Here is the refrain:

"Listen up now, listen good.
Listen up like I know I should
I've got one chance to make a scene,
Make a name I've got to plant that seed
You spend your whole life being someone you're not,
So quick to forget all the things you've been taught.
If I sing oh oh oh and la la la could you hear my cry? Would you sing along?"

I feel like that is what I do when I do these Crossfit workouts, putting myself out there in ways that I never thought possible.  I've subconsciously had this fear to not overthink and analyze everything that I wanted to do.  With Crossfit, I was still conservative, but I took the plunge.  And I'm so much the better for it.  I want to "make a scene, " "make a name," and "plant the seed."  It gets easier to get over the nerves, and it has morphed from fear of how I appear to anxiety about doing something greater than I thought I would be able to.  Very, very rarely, am I disappointed when I leave a class.  How often is it in life that I can say that?  About work, about school, etc.  Why wouldn't I keep going back for more? 

I came across this article on the Crossfit Facebook page, and it perfectly highlighted why I love Crossfit, and why I am hooked.  There are a lot of quotables, but my favorite quote, :With most workouts, beginners look like assholes and then they look like pros. In our case, everyone looks like an asshole. "  Basically, implying that everyone is working hard and working on their form.  A lot of the Crossfit pictures you will see are of elite athletes, but that is not what everyone looks like.  Another favorite quote is, "We build a strong camaraderie and the competition is motivating. You suffer through the workout, but you know that you are suffering together." There really is this supportive group of people building each other up.  A perfect stranger, but you have a common goal, I feel as if in other gyms or workout classes, there is a competitive nature that has nothing to do with competing against yourself, but others.  With my gym, yeah there is some friendly competition, but when it comes to the end of the day, it's about whether or not you are proud of yourself and feel accomplished.  Also, the thing I love about Crossfit, is that there is always room to grow and improve.  Always.  With other workout classes, there are people that have achieved the hardest parts, and then there are others who may feel inadequate because they aren't there yet or never get there.  With Crossfit, even the most elite athlete strives for more, more weight, more speed, less time, more reps, or whatever.  The goal is the same.  I can't state that enough.  Here is the rest of the article.


Jan 6, 2014

"Party Up" by DMX

Throwback Monday?  This song brings me back to 7th grade, and I especially love the uber 2000s bucket hat that DMX sports in this video.  Nothing more badass during a bank heist.  This song gets me disproportionately pumped up.  Aaaannnyway, it's been far too long since I have posted.  Life has taken over, and I relented, fully.  The holidays threw me off my Crossfit frequency, but it welcomed me again with open arms afterwards.  There was an entire week where all I did was one at home workout, and I felt all out of sorts.  Plus, I was sick, and sleeping all the time.  But the first one I did after that break was the 100s WOD.  Sounds better than it actually is.

100 American Kettle Bell Swings (35# for women)
100 pull ups (any kind...banded, kipping, jumping, ring rows)
100 double unders (scale is 300 singles)
100 overhead squats (65# for women)

25:00 cap

Our sympathetic coach, who hates cardio, literally said, "I'm sorry, guys.  This is terrible."  I felt as if the workout was an "F you, Angie!  For not coming to see us!"  I got through the KBS, a combination of banded and jumping pull ups, all of the singles (with a short pee break), and 32 of the OHS.  The scale was to do just 50 reps of each thing, but we were encouraged to go for it if we have been doing this for a while.  Well, it's been about 6 months or so, so I am no longer "new" I guess.  I was happy with how I did, but that workout wasn't fun at all, not even a little bit.  I wish I had banded pull ups better, and I did 55# for the OHS.  Nonetheless, it was a good one.  Also, I was annoyed that the week that we were establishing new 1RM (1 rep max, the heaviest you can do for any particular movement, 1 time) was Christmas week, and I missed them all.

Since then, I have agreed to participate in the Nutrition Challenge at my box.  It is based on the Maximized Living Advanced Plan, generally speaking.  And basically it is a 4 week program that detoxes all sugars and toxins in foods, which includes grains (bread, pasta, flour, rice), soy, alcohol, and most processed foods.  The diet is based on grass fed meats, grass fed dairy, vegetables, only certain fruits that are low in sugar, some beans and legumes, healthy fats (avocados, coconuts), nuts, and seeds.  Organic as much as possible.  We were provided with detailed meal plans, shopping lists, and the ideologies.  It's not a diet.  It's going to be a way of life.  And it's practical about having slip ups, which isn't the end of the world.  Elizabeth, my friend, is doing this with me, hopefully we can keep each other on board.

We were asked to do a weigh in and a "before" picture.  I chickened out, and kept my shirt on for the "before" picture.  I looked like a total scrub and a young, cute, boy was taking the pictures.  I manned up and took one at home.  Which I will share, regardless.  And I will take my "after" picture at the gym, sports bra and shorts.  Biggest Loser style.  But I am excited.  I like having the support and the knowledge that I get to choose to do this for 28 days.  I am not debilitated by physical barriers or financial barriers.  Too good of an opportunity not to try.

After that talk, we did a very quick 4:00 workout (these workouts reflect the workouts that will be completed in the Crossfit Games Open in a couple months).  And afterward, I stayed to work on a couple movements having missed 1RM week.  I established two new personal records (Front Squat 140# (by 5 lbs) and Push Press #110 (by 15 lbs).  I also dropped the bar, a lot.  About five times, and had five different, very generous people, pick it up for me.  It's such a different feel being there during open gym hours.  There is no time constraint, the dogs just roam around, and you can really lose yourself, while subconsciously being surrounded by the motivating elements and people of Crossfit.  I wish I had more opportunities to do open gym hours.

Tonight, the workout was pretty brutal, too.  And quite literally named, "Mofo," and that it was.  A true mofo.  It was EMOTM x10, alternating 7 BSQ @ 70% 1RM and 10 burpees.  Then followed by EMOTM x10, 10 wall balls.  Then mobility for quads, 2:00 couch stretch, each leg.  A killer, for sure.  I never imagined I would be the kind of person that would actually be working out next to strangers, with no thought as to what they think of me, offering support where I see it is needed, and being so open about my strengths and weaknesses.  It was a hard lesson to learn that I shouldn't be ashamed of my body and ability because I wasn't born with natural born talent.  And that I should be rewarding my body with healthy choices vs punishing myself physically, mentally, and emotionally for being imperfect.  So much better, do I feel about myself, in general.

It's been 2 days, and I have had one slip up.  I invested in good quality foods