So, I have never enjoyed this song, whatsoever. And I'm almost embarrassed that it exists. But, it made tonight very funny to me. I went to the 730pm WOD with my friend, Elizabeth. It was fairly simple:
500m row for time
3:00 minute couch stretch for each leg
Front Squats 2 reps x5 every 3 min at 90% max weight (aka FSQ 5x2 E3M @ 90% PR)
My max FSQ weight is 113 lbs, and I only did it once, a few months ago. So, I started with 95 lbs, and worked my way up to 105 lbs. One of the coaches, Brandon (who does a great job; he really helps with technique and is attentive...he pushes without being pushy), was watching and said I had a great squat. Which was nice to hear. I have never been athletically inclined to do anything except fall spectacularly. Now, I claim "almost sitting" as my athletic talent. Also, it's weird yet oddly calming to have a guy look at your backside completely objectively. Side note, Elizabeth was complaining about back pain which was determined to come from poor positioning when doing movements that require cleans, and that she uses her back more than her legs and hips. To fix this, she was advised to drop her butt lower in starting position, and Brandon told her to "Drop it like she squats!" in reference to me, and to the tune of the aforementioned Snoop Dogg classic. #CrossfitComedy
I've also resorted to eating better. I am a stress eater. A bored eater. A "avoid work by having a snack" eater. I can come up with any excuse to have a snack. BUT I have reeled it in. I eat when hungry. I stop when almost full, and I know this just by listening to my body. I threw out the little treats in my pantry that I don't even really enjoy, but have kept because someone dumped it on me or I don't want to waste it. But out it went. That's not to say I'll never have candied pineapple or Hershey kisses again, but if I treat that food like a "treat" and make it more difficult to obtain it, eating it will be rare and more rewarding in the future. It's difficult to buy food for a single person. I often find I have some leftover food that I get sick of eating. It felt good to get rid of that junk.
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