I actually hate this song. I have never liked it, but due to my inability to avoid pop music in the car, I've heard it a million times and know all the words. I'll explain this ironic choice in a few. I haven't been posting as regularly, because as you know, life gets in the way. The good news is, I am continuing to go to Skinnyfit and my month of races, began last weekend.
I ventured to Columbus, OH, to visit a couple of friends from grad school and to participate in The Survival Race ( Survival Race---yes, that is Arnold's voice), thanks to Groupon and a shared interest in doing themed 5ks (we also did the Color Me Rad race last summer in Cincinnati, which was SUPER FUN!). It was below freezing and snowing, but we all managed to finish the race and complete all 16ish obstacles. I lost my shoes a few times and had to be shoved over one obstacle, but getting muddy was fun.
I am also currently registered for Louisville's Triple Crown Race (Louisville Triple Crown---neigh), whose first race of three (a 5k, 10k, 10mi) starts this upcoming weekend. My friend, Kate, is running with me. And I have decided that I am really going to push myself to run this 5k, as fast as I can without passing out (vomiting, dizziness, and keeling over are acceptable). I won't die, and I'll feel amazing afterward.
Tonight, I went to Skinnyfit after not having been there for a week. The regulars were there, and a few newbies. The workout consisted of a ladder...that pretty much never ended.
30 min cap:
1 thruster
1 upright row (couldn't find a video, but you are doubled over and drop the med ball from your chest to the ground)
AND THEN, you do the whole set 2x, then 3x, and so on until the cap is up. Also, if you dropped the ball, it was 5 push-ups (which I didn't see anyone do, but I did see people sitting on the ground holding their balls). This workout really got me sweating. I have been having some issues because of my flat instep (blame 100s of years of genetics), and my squats have been half-assed. The instructors there were so helpful, and not rude at all, about helping me to perfect my form so that I don't strain my back muscles, really work my core, and so that I am focusing on the correct movements. I made it to 20x, and I really did push for 95% of the time. The instructor even had me squat for an extended period of time (in what's known as a "third world squat") to help stretch out the ligaments in my knees. It felt really good to get that far.
And it turned out to be a very uplifting evening, as well. One of the women who comes pretty regularly (sometimes with her husband; they are probably in their 40s), told me that she noticed I had gotten so much stronger. And I told her thanks, of course. But that the method behind me having the energy to keep going is, I don't look at the timer (otherwise, I'd just stare at it), and I face towards the group of people in the room to be inspired by their continued movement (as well as looks of utter pain on their faces). She told me that she felt the roles were reversed and that my confidence, inspired her. Wow, what a compliment! I sometimes struggle to the point that I lay in my bed in denial until the last minute before leaving for my workout class. Every day, I am tired. Every day, I could find other things to do. Every day, I want to just sit on my butt and watch Netflix. BUT, tonight, reminded me that yes, I am primarily on this road to losing weight and getting fit for the sake of health. But what I had forgotten is that I am also going to gain so much more along the way, namely, confidence, increased endurance, inner strength, and the attitude that I can do anything.
My scale doesn't look that different than it did a month ago, but I do feel stronger. And I do feel as if my body is a little tighter. It's going to be a long road, but I never have and never will, take the easy way out. Being healthy is plain hard work at its finest. I've worked hard mentally and emotionally, and I can certainly do it, physically.
Now as for why this dumb Ellie Goulding song was my choice for this post...as I was looking around during class wondering how people kept going, this song came on the stereo (not an upbeat song I would have chosen for a workout class, but nonetheless), and I locked eyes with one of the young teenage boys that attends the class, as he was mouthing all the words. Though we were both struggling, we shared a laugh. It just reminded me that exercise isn't suffering, but rather hard work, and the relief of laughter belongs anywhere.
I am sooooo proud of you, girl! That is awesome amazing. Look how far you have come!!!