Mar 20, 2013

"Anna Sun" by Walk the Moon

This band hails from the great Porkopolis, (or Cincinnati, OH, for those of you who did not have to take their local history in 8th grade).  This song is all about being young, having fun, living life to the fullest, and not worrying about the physical consequences of things (they're just materials).  Also, the song has an uplifting melody and when I am trying to run as fast as I can for 30 seconds or get through 5 more burpees, this song can get me through it.  I need to remember the lyrics of this song when I am feeling down on myself or feeling overwhelmed, which happens quite frequently these days.

I went through a slump last week; I wanted to just lay in bed.  I justified not working out by doing laundry and finally organizing all of my music and pictures.  But, this week, I'm back.  Elizabeth and Aaron (the couple who I live with) are getting more and more into the Paleo diet.  I have mixed feelings about it because I don't think any diet that cuts out entire food groups can be very long-lasting.  But the idea of clean eating in general, I can get on board with.  I have a friend, who is largely against the Paleo diet and thinks that eating like "hunters and gatherers" is an idea of the past, and that those who follow Paleo should also have to go without modern medicine.  Ha!

I have definitely cleaned up my eating this week.  For breakfast, I typically have fruit, some almond milk, and maybe peanut butter on my banana.  For lunch, it's typically frozen vegetables, greek yogurt, cereal (for crunch and part of the little bit of carbs I allow myself for the day!), more fruit, and a crunchy, carby snack).  Dinner includes a salad, protein, probably cheese of some sort, and 1 sweet treat.  It's not a perfect diet, but that's okay, because I am not dieting.  I am leading a healthy lifestyle.  Basically, I am reducing all sodium, sugar, refined grains, oil, and meat products in my life.  Last week, I went off the deep end, eating junk food in my car, and stuffing my face with crackers, bread, and noodles.  I was probably the grumpiest, fatigued person around.  I've learned my lesson. 

This weekend is the second leg of the Louisville Triple Crown Races.  On March 9th, I ran in the Anthem 5k with my friend, Kate, and her friend, Ron (a 45 year old firefighter who is in way better shape than I am!).  For the first time, my time was under 12 min miles.  It is tiring driving to and from Louisville for 8am races, but I will be very proud of myself when it is over.  This weekend's race is the Rodes City 10k.  I have ran 6, 7, 10, 13 miles before, but never have challenged myself to be that fast.  My goal for this weekend is 11:30 miles.  My training schedule has been weak, but I do believe I can do it.  Having people to run with me definitely gets me amped up.

Tonight, I went for a brisk run before my Skinnyfit class (which I had skipped for a week, and I really am so glad to be back).  Tonight wasn't really brutal, but it was very tiring.

A 400m run, THEN

every minute on the minute, for 30 minutes,

4 burpees and whatever combination of the following to reach 100 each:

box jumps
KB swings (American style, which means all the way over your head)

I got halfway through, but towards the end, it was taking me so long to do 4 burpees, that I was doing them every 2 minutes.  Constant movement for a solid 30 minutes, and I pushed hard.  It felt great.

I have been feeling a little anxiety, depression, and fatigue.  I think a lot of it is psychological, but now that I've started a better physical routine, I believe my mental health will take a turn for the better, too.  I have re-defined my purpose.  It's great to be back!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Yeah, we all get those rough spots. I am kind of going through one right now. I need to reel in my motivation and really get moving. I think I'm suffering from a desire of spring... sun, warmth... I get the point, Winter. Now go away!

    You are doing great! So proud of you!
