Oct 10, 2013

"She Hates Me" by Puddle of Mudd

Lately, I have been listening to things on my iPod from high school and college.  Feeling very youthful and spry.  This song was definitely played nearly every morning for half of my senior year in high school.  Such a classic badass song.  Can't wait for it to be played on an oldies station in the years to come. :o)

I spent five days in Orlando, FL visiting Walt Disney World.  Prior to that, I completed a Skinnyfit class last week that was a partner workout, but my partner had to leave right before it started, and so I did it by myself.  And in all honesty, I don't think I pushed myself as hard because there was no one waiting for me!  Here's the workout:

Partner 1: 400m with sandbag (20-30 lbs)
Partner 2: Run 100m/25 American KBS/Run 100m/25 sit ups

These are done simultaneously, but you must start at the same time.  So the fast ones get to break, more!  I completed almost 4 total rounds in 30 minutes.  The coach had created this workout at the last minute, and we kind of gave him grief about kicking our asses, but he said, and very profoundly, "I'm not kicking your guys' asses.  You get out of this what you put in."  Duh.  I have to remember that.  The coaches are around to push us and encourage us, but it's ultimately up to me to push myself past my limits and to where I never thought possible.

I tried my best (well, kinda) to do some homemade WODs while on vacation, and only managed to do it one time.  However, I am proud of myself of how well I resisted junk.  I allowed myself one treat a day and brought my own water bottle.  I filled up on fruit, eggs, and bacon for breakfast.  Brought almond crackers and raw cashews to munch on during the day, which my friend (who also struggles with weight and fitness) also ate some of!  At dinner, I avoided rolls and had only a few bites of dessert.

I came back and attended book club, which is hosted by one of the crossfit coaches.  It was lovely to be in the socializing aspect of this box.  I like having intelligent conversations and having a relationship beyond them seeing me look like hell, and me seeing them as a teacher.  We talked about the transformations some of the clients at Crossfit Cornerstone have undergone and how much their bodies and demeanors have changed for the better.  I was more than ready to get back to my box after vacation!  The people I vacationed with are sometimes negative, and you just don't get that at Crossfit! 

The first day I came back, the posted workout online must have been in error (or a blatant lie!) because I walked in and the people in the class before me looked like they were working way harder than I had prepared to.  Turned out to be establishing a new 1RM of split jerks within 20 attempts followed by "Fran" (21-15-9: thrusters, which are from a squat to overhead, and pull ups, or jumping pull ups) with a 10:00 cap.  Followed by shoulder mobility of 20 windmills with a moderate weight.
I hit a new PR (personal record) for split jerks, 115.  The last time we did split jerks, I couldn't get it past 105.  So, I was pretty excited about that!  Then we did "Fran," and I felt that, for sure!  It got to the point where I could only do 2 thrusters at a time and I had to keep cleaning the entire barbell from the ground.  The prescribed weight for this WOD is 95 for women/135 for men.  I did 75 lbs and finished at 8:48.  We all kinda felt like badasses.  Haha.  It was a hard one, but I liked it.

Today, we focused on back squats in a 5-3-1-1-1 at 75%-85%-95%-100%-100%+ weight.  I hadn't done a back squat for a PR since this past May, so I had a skewed sense of what I could do.  I just started with 75 lbs, and ended up finishing at 125 lbs.  And honestly, I could have gone more, but we didn't have time to max out.  Especially since all that was followed by "Grace" (30 clean and jerks).  Rx wgt 135/95.  I have done "Grace" before in May, and at that time I did 55 lbs and finished in 6:09.  Tonight, I did 65 lbs and finished in 5:42.  I was proud of myself for that!  I probably could have gone heavier, too, because I noticed that some others were breathing way harder than I was! A friend of mine, he did Rx weight and finished barely before the 10:00 cap.  Everyone struggles sometimes and everyone succeeds sometimes in Crossfit. The coach tonight, Brandon, admitted that he hated the cardio portion of Crossfit and was purely a strength trainer, which explains why he can snatch 300 lbs and does Olympic weight lifting.  But, again, it's nice to know these coaches outside of their "coach" personas.  So glad to be back in the game!

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