Jan 31, 2013

Song of the Day: "Thrift Shop" by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis feat. Wanz

"Thrift Shop" (explicit)

This song is amazingly upbeat, albeit a little dirty.  It makes me excited about whatever I am doing.  Plus, it's totally ironic, and that's like a thing, now, right?  Anyways, I ventured to Skinnyfit for the first time alone when this happened...the craziest WOD ever!  Needless to say, I scaled, and barely made it over the halfway point (I got to somewhere in the 400 singles).  I felt incredible though (and disgustingly sweaty and out of breath), because I really pushed myself for the full 30 minutes.  This set is a ladder, and it felt like I was getting nowhere.  The 100 kb swings afterward were a little "bonus" if you will.  Now, if only I could get them to let me pick the music!  And the best part about this workout is that, even though there was a 30 minute cap, a few people wanted to finish out their burpees, and what's the best way to accomplish that when you just feel like you are going to collapse?  Having the support of the other exercisers around you!  It was amazing how people clapped for the few that wanted to finish and struggled through the last burpees, and even more than that, a few people even DID MORE BURPEES with them!  I was astonished by the support that emanates from this group of people.  Maybe next time, I'll get a little closer.

100 singles
40 burpees
200 singles
25 push ups
300 singles
100 walk lunges
400 singles
80 squats
300 singles
100 walk lunges
200 singles
25 push ups
100 singles
40 burpees

100 kettle bell swings, 10 per minute for 10 minutes

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