BSB (Brian's still the best)
NSYNC (JC 4eva)
Can it be true that Matt (a 21 year old boy, mind you) was blasting my favorite boy band songs as I traipsed into Cornerstone, this evening? My absolute favorite BSB song, then followed by my 2nd favorite NSYNC song. And yes, you can be a dual fan. I always have been. BSB has more staying power, but NSYNC freaking rocked the dance moves. Alright, have I been talking about boy bands for too long? Anyway, it was so much fun for me, and brought me right back to my 6th grade dances. If they only knew that I still listen to all these songs, currently. And hearing these songs on a stereo system, loudly and proudly, definitely amped me up for the workout. I was determined to finish the WOD tonight, because I have recently been in a pinch where I keep almost finishing WODs, and it's super annoying. The workout tonight was:
5x5 overhead squats (no one is "good" at these) followed by a 20:00 cap for 50 pullups/50 American KBS (35 lbs for women)/50 double unders (150 singles)/50 overhead squats (65lbs for women), I do not have pull ups, so I use bands to help me, but still 50 is a lot. I finished those quickly since I scaled them (and I was the only one to do so. I miss my other class. Haha.), and then the kettle bell swings weren't so bad to do 10 at a time. But the singles took me a little bit longer. It was the freaking overhead squats that I knew were going to give me trouble. To put it in a time frame, I was done with the first two movements in under 6 minutes. And I was the slowest one. Oh, and you couldn't break them up into 10s or anything, you had to finish one whole set of movements before going onto the next one. I dropped the bar behind me and was doing them in sets of 4 some point in the middle of the overhead squats, but I finished in 18:38! I was very happy with how I did, tonight. I needed to bounce back from last night, I think, where I don't think I pushed myself as hard as I could have (workout was FSQ 5x5 and then Tabata (20sec on/10sec rest) of squats x8, then push ups x8, then butterfly situps x8. As many as possible. That was a real doozy.
Aside from the love for boy bands coinciding with my love for Crossfit, there is another reason I love this place. Last Saturday, two members (one is a coach, the other his wife) hosted a charity event to raise money for building a school/community center in Haiti. The children they serve are currently being schooled in a tent and have minimal supplies. So, they hosted an all day competition and the winners received a moderate amount on a giftcard and a hand drawn picture from a child at the school. I did not compete or even attempt to (it was a month long event), but I did agree to volunteer, all day. It was so nice to see my coaches and fellow members outside of the WOD realm. One coach competed, and that was cool to see him, too. Funnily enough, as coaches, I don't get to see them do a whole lot of working out during the week, so it's neat when I get to. The day really showed me what a family Crossfit becomes. There were shared laughs, adoration for the new dog, and plantain chips. Plus, the whole premise of the day was to put yourself through something for the sheer profit of someone else who needs it more badly than you do. And I miss that from my life. I like to see that Crossfit can build bridges into parts of the real world. Just solidifies my respect for the whole notion.
Continuing to be in love with this life...