May 9, 2013

"Can't Hold Us" by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis feat. Ray Dalton

I am not a huge rap/hip hop fan or whatever genre you would classify Macklemore and Ryan Lewis as, but I sure do love them.  This song in particular.  I can't help but feel energized when I hear this song, and it makes me feel unstoppable, as corny as that is.  I can't believe it has been so long since I have posted, but life got in the way.  During that time, I completed the 10k and 10mi runs of the Louisville Triple Crown, visited a few friends in NYC, moved my parents to a new condo, and rededicated myself to Crossfit.

I battled some foot/toe trouble and being sick trouble with those last two runs, and after I crossed the finish line, I determined that running just isn't that fun for me anymore.  It has become more laborious, boring, and sometimes, a total drag.  I have not run since, and probably won't until June.  I have promised to run with my friends in their first 5k's at the end of June, and I won't be the one to slow them down!

Now that life has settled down, I have the opportunity to concentrate on my health again.  In the month of April, I made a vow with three other girlfriends to ban fried foods (define as you wish).  And every indiscretion cost me $2.  As of April 30, I owed my friends $24.  Do the math.  I consider my diet to be fairly healthy, but what I realized, is that I allow myself to cheat way more than can really be called cheating, and not just a bad habit.  This month, myself and 2 of the other girls are banning sugar (refined sugar that is; trying to cut out all sugar would be SO expensive and get in the way of the point, which is to be aware of what we are putting into our bodies).  The other girl is continuing her fried food ban, as she also was not so successful in April.  Although, she is going on two vacations this month, so I'm not sure how it will go.  Haha.

As for Skinnyfit/Crossfit, I have managed to complete some wall walks (not all the way, but to about a 45 degree angle), and can tell that I am stronger in my arms and legs.  My core still is weak, and I cannot pump out as many reps as quickly as everyone else.  But I keep going, and it's getting to be a regular part of my life, which makes it harder to avoid.

Just this week, my friend (who I live with) and I began the foundations classes.  Which consist of teaching proper technique for all the Crossfit moves.  We have gone two days now (out of six) at 700am, and have learned to squat, jump rope, row, do sit ups, do push ups, back squats, front squats, overhead squats, couch stretches, and squat holds (holding a squat for a lengthened period of time...we did 3 minutes 2x today).  I really enjoy the Crossfit program in that I actually get 1:1 time with the head coach who can show me what I am doing wrong, and how to perfect it, all the while being supportive, and meeting where I am.  Her name is Jen, and she has a way of nudging, without pushing.  Maybe that will change in the months to come, but as a nervous beginner, I appreciate it.  She also stated that she thinks going to Skinnyfit has helped us build some strength.  Skinnyfit is by no means easy, but it is more cardio vs strength training. 

While I am not one to be athletically inclined in any way, I am inclined to work hard.  She also said I have good squat positioning.  Who knew "almost sitting" could be a skill??